Monday, October 8, 2007

Picture Pages, Picture Pages

Does anyone else remember Picture Pages with Bill Cosby? I think they used to show it between The Electric Company and Sesame Street or Mr. Rogers. I loved how Bill Cosby's magic marker made noise when it drew--it really WAS a magic marker! Anyway...I'm digressing, but I do have a lot of photos to share! (Was that a forced segue or what?) But first, I'll make you sit through an update.

Yes, we all survived the first week of daycare. The first day was hard for Steve and I, but I resisted the urge to visit at lunch, thinking it would just upend the daycare's routine. Buffy (the daycare provider) was really great about emailing updates throughout the day so I felt like I had a handle on things. By the end of the week, we had our morning routine down and it was easy to drop her off each day. I worked from home on Friday for the first time, and that worked well too. I had to put her in the sling at one point, but she fell right asleep and I was able to get some work done.

Last week we reintroduced breastmilk to see how that would go this time around. It went pretty well--no immediate reaction like last time. However, by the end of the week I was noticing some "changes" and she was acting a lot fussier and just different overall and I thought we'd better pull the plug on the experiment. She's started completely refusing bottles after about 2 ounces (she gets 4 total), even going so far as to push the bottle out with her hands. She doesn't even know she has hands most of the time and yet she knows how to push a bottle away. She's also started urping a lot more again, which is frustrating because she'd had a good week for the most part. Uggggh. So, because of all three factors (diapers, spit-up and bottle refusal) we thought we'd call the doc and bring her in for a quick check. The good news is she seems fine when she's not eating, and isn't lethargic or running a fever or anything. She weighed in well, too--13.5 pounds (a 1 pound gain in 2 weeks)--and seems plenty hydrated (which was a concern because of the diaper issue). The doc thinks she might have a very mild stomach bug and to give it a few days to see if things clear up. If they do, we'll try breastmilk again and cross our fingers.

The supergreat news for the week is that I found out that my insurance will cover her formula at 90%!! Woot! Woot! I'm trying to arrange home delivery service through a medical supply company and have them take care of the insurance billing instead of paying for it out-of-pocket and getting reimbursed. But even if we do have to go the out-of-pocket route at least it'll still be mostly covered. Oh happy day!

Adele is growing like a weed, and is even more alert and active these days. She's batting at the hanging toys on her bouncy chair and is doing better at holding her head/chest up during tummy time. Lots of smiles and cooing, too. She turned 5 months old on Sunday--where has the time gone!

Anyway, enough words...on to photos! As always, the full album is available here, for those of you who like to purchase them (ahem, G-ma). And, lo and behold, I figured out how to upload a video there! It doesn't have sound (because my camera is low-rent) and it's really dark (because I'm a bad videographer), but you can get the gist. The legs are the important parts, and you can see those fairly well. Hopefully I can get more videos taken now that I know what I'm doing. It may take a minute or two to load, so be patient. I hope it works!

The outfit she wore for our meet-up with nurse Lauren! Love the baby jeans (a gift from the Lincoln Pontows)!

A close-up on the cutest shoes EVER! (Thanks, Joanne!)

Just a little tummy time...

More interested in the swing's warning label than the mobileFinally, a smile caught on film!The bee makes her smile.
Cutest. Baby. Ever.


Anonymous said...

Darrah - She looks like you in that one where she's smiling! Glad to see that Adele is doing great!

hollyli said...

Oops, that was me, Holly T.

Lindi Ben said...

EEEkkkk! Those little shoes are so cute! hee-hee.

Lindi Ben said...

PS - The pen's name was Mortimer!! I love that little squiggly sound. Here's a link and at the 2:00 mark, Cosby has Mortimer in hand.

Ellobie said...

I was always sad because my mom would not order the accompanying coloring books. Or buy us jello pudding pops. :(

On a happier note, more kewl shoes are heading your way! :) I love the pink vans, absolutely adorable.

And the leg workout video is too cute!