Tuesday, November 13, 2007

A positive post, for once

I realized that I've been posting so much negative, whiney stuff lately, and really aside from the food stuff, things are going really well with Miss Chubby Cheeks. So, this post is about that.

Everything she's doing is normal baby stuff, but it's so much more exciting when it's your own baby. She's been smiling for a long time now, but lately she's been chuckling too. I expected a more outright laugh, but I suppose it's still early for that. What we do get is a "heh-heh-heh," which is very cute too. Maybe we're not nearly as entertaining as we imagine ourselves to be? ;) She's got great head/neck control and can pretty much sit upright on her own if you hold her hips or she's sitting in your arm while you're standing. Unfortunately she's in the stage where she's prone to random flops forward or backward so we do have to keep our eyes on her. On her tummy she can push her chest up off the surface while on her elbows, but only for a little bit. She's rolled over from back to tummy just once (witnessed only by Steve), so we're still working on that. She can put her full weight on her legs and stand upright while you hold her, and sometimes even tries to push herself up by stiffening her legs. She loves reaching out to grab faces/noses/clothes--anything within arm's reach. Her eye/hand control is better too--she's moved beyond batting toys in her bouncy chair to being able to grab them and hold them for a second or two.

I do owe you an overdue update on her weight. When we took her in after my last post, she was back up over 14 pounds, which was odd since she'd been eating so little. We're not sure, but we think that the nurse who weighed her and got the 13-pound weight (the .5 pound loss) may have weighed her incorrectly, because there's just no other way to explain how she could have gained it all back in less than a week. Anyway, we had another check yesterday and she's 14 pounds, 14 ounces, which is just fine. Her regular well-baby/check-up is Friday, so I'll have more info then.

We're still wrangling with insurance on getting her formula paid for. We've turned in a letter of medical necessity, a prescription and yesterday a record of all the food she's tried and what reactions she had. The Caring Bridge site came in handy for that, as I was able to look at all my old journal entries for exact dates and reactions. Now we're just waiting to hear if we have more hoops to jump through and whether they'll accept or deny her claim. I'm sure they make the process difficult in the hopes you'll just give up!

Today we were supposed to have gone to CMH South to their OT/ST clinic (we were able to get in there sooner than at the regular CMH), but Adele woke up with a fever and was obviously not her happy self, so we had to reschedule for next week. She's been sleeping all day, and is pretty cranky and tired, but her fever seems to have subsided, so that's good. We'll see how she does overnight.

I owe you a new round of photos, so watch for those!

1 comment:

Lindi Ben said...

Doesn't that head flop thing scare you when you're not expecting it? Even though Izzy is holding her head up better these days, I'm still scared to hold her on my shoulder with only one hand, knowing at any minute, she could flop herself into a backdive at any moment. It will be fun when they can hold themselves up completely in a few months. And sounds like Adele is great at using her legs, and rolling over, and all that?! That's great!