Thursday, February 28, 2008

You're Watching Adelevideo

That was my first attempt at using the video function on my new camera, so pardon the quality (or lack thereof). But at least now I know how to work it and upload videos, so watch for more!

Things are going well here in Adelevision-land. We had a weight check on Monday when she went in for her monthly shot and Adele was 17 pounds, 3 ounces! That's almost a full pound heavier than her weight the Monday prior. During that past week she suddenly decided to eat much more at eat feeding, and we've managed to get her up to 6 ounces (from 4), which pleases us immensely.

We decided to forgo the intensive sleep training, but we did manage to wean her off her overnight feeding without much fuss at all. It's quite amazing, actually. The first night of the weaning, we gave her only 2 ounces (instead of her full 4). The night after that we didn't give her anything, we just cuddled her back to sleep. The next night she didn't wake up at all until 5:00 (which isn't bad considering). Lately, she's been sleeping until closer to 6:00, which also pleases us immensely. And even when she does wake up, all she does is chatter--she doesn't fuss or cry. We usually make sure to feed her right before WE go to bed around 11:00 pm, usually 4 hours after her previous feeding, before SHE went to bed. It seems to be working so far!

Solids are another story. We rearranged feeding so we were giving her full formula bottles first (instead of solids first) and so now she fills up on formula (which is good) and isn't hungry for any sort of solid food. Maybe we can get in a bite or two before her mouth clamps completely shut. Ah, well. Solids aren't a priority for me at this point. I'm happy to see her weight gain back on track and that she's eating a good amount each day, and the solids can wait.

Adele is getting close to cutting her second bottom tooth. She's drooling like CRAZY, so I'm going to assume it will pop through any day now. We shall see!

Well, I said this was a mini-update, so I'd better wrap up.


Anonymous said...

Awesome! I love how she rocks thehome team's colors!

hollyli said...

That is so cool! I want more Adelevideo! I could sit here all day and watch it.

Lindi Ben said...

Yeh!!! You'll be taking tons of video now! This is great! Little cutie.

That's great news about the night feedings! Ah..blissful sleep.

Lindi Ben said...

Geez, I have a baby of my OWN, and yet I had to come to the site again to watch Adele. hee-hee. She's so cute, Darrah!